Real life learning for the real world
Social Skills
Where the past links to the future
Having been blessed with seven grandchildren I can't express enough, the love that I feel for each and every one of them. As a grandparent the need to spend as much time as possible with them is highly important. Time together to watch movies, going on day trips, fun times in the pool or find out how things are going at school, just to mention a few, rank high on my to-do list.
Grandkids are a grandparents link to the future, Grandparents are kids link to the past. Expressed another way:
“Grandkids are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation.” Lois Wyse
Equally important, time to support, encourage, and some words of wisdom during time they are troubled or stressed. Sadly, due to the digital age we live in, as a grandparent I compete with electronic devises for their attention and openness to listen. I had a need to be creative on how I can simply come along side them one on one to have quality conversation.
This was one of the reasons I wrote and developed Kids CAN garden. Being together, planning and working with them, creates a relaxed way to be engaged together and able to have the important conversations. So what I have learned from my past can be transferred and linked for them in some way, in which they can carry into their futures.
There is no better time than NOW ……to lead the way!
Outdoor inspired knowhow
Social and Emotional support
Encourage, engage as they discover more of the outside world around them and together lead them to develop awareness, responsibility, flexibility, and perseverance.
Mentoring and Role modelling
Facilitate, guide your kids through the activities as the garden becomes the classroom. Spending time together creates opportunities to have important discussion and conversations. Journaling and reflection at the end of each topic allow you to monitor their progress.
Pastoral Care Support
Outdoor learning groups creates a framework for kids feeling they belong, connected to a purpose, involved in the garden and able to perform to their full potential. Happy kids will integrate well with others and any problems will be spotted, allowing you to provide the support required.
Educational Support
Outdoor learning in the garden supports science, math's and literacy learnt in the classroom by providing practical applications in the real world through activities and projects.
Community Engagement
Creating a community garden will require sustainable relationships with the broader community.
· Obtain supplies and resources
· Assistance from parents, guardians or volunteers
· Setting up a grower’s market
· Support or sponsorship from local businesses

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Mentoring program

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